Twisted Turtle Studio Featured Artist: Gloria Schotter

Twisted Turtle Studio Featured Artist: Gloria Schotter

May 31, 2024Christy Rector

Discover the Enchanted World of Gloria Schotter at Twisted Turtle Studio

Twisted Turtle Studio is thrilled to introduce our Featured Artist, Gloria Schotter. Gloria's journey in art began with a box of crayons, sparking a lifelong passion that blossomed into a remarkable career. From her early days, Gloria knew her life would be intertwined with the visual arts.

A Lifelong Dedication to Art

Reflecting on her journey, Gloria shares, "I have loved making art from the first time I opened a box of crayons. I always knew my life would be filled with art and have had the pleasure of making it my career. When I joined the Air Force, my career in the visual arts was set. I continued learning many different forms of art and was first introduced to Copper Enameling in High School! I continued to revisit enameling at various times in my life. When I found this amazing facet of enameling I knew that I had found my passion. My current line of jewelry gives a glimpse into my personality, travels and conveys my personal sentimental values."

Capturing the Essence of Experiences

Gloria's exquisite jewelry captures the essence of her experiences and the places she holds dear:

  • Sea Creatures: Inspired by the enchanting waters of Hawaii
  • Mountains/Bears/Wolves/Moose: Reflecting the majestic wilderness of Alaska
  • Kitties: A tribute to her beloved fur babies

Each piece is designed to be not only beautiful but also evocative, creating fun and comfortable jewelry that brings cherished memories to life.

Artistry and Inspiration

"I strive to create fun and comfortable pieces of jewelry that evoke memories. Inspiration can be found most anywhere if one slows down enough to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. The artist in me is always looking for new ideas and inspiration. Each stage of creation is an adventure with great attention given to detail to create simple elegance that celebrates nature. I am fortunate to be able to design jewelry each day and doing something I love so much," says Gloria.

Philosophy of Creation

Gloria believes that her creations are an extension of herself, a sentiment beautifully captured in her philosophy: "We create because it makes us who we are! We are who we are through our creations. They become pieces of us."

Celebrate Gloria Schotter's Artistry

Join us at Twisted Turtle Studio to celebrate the artistry and passion of Gloria Schotter. Discover her stunning collection and find a piece that speaks to you, evoking memories and capturing the beauty of nature with simple elegance.


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